Exam Practice
Here we have provided some practice exam questions for you to test your knowledge. We recommend going over your notes and the content provided on the website before attempting the questions. The answers are available at the end of the page.
1) The semilunar valves close when:
- A) The atria enter diastole
- B) The pressure in the ventricles falls below that in the arteries
- C) The chordae tendinae contract
- D) The vascular valves contract
2) How long does the cardiac cycle last for at resting heart rates?
- A) 75 msec
- B) 1 msec
- C) 800 msec
- D) 8 sec
3) Heart sound S3
- i) is more commonly heard in infants and young children than in adults
- ii) is associated with high ventricular filling pressures
- iii) os frequently heard in healthy adults
- iv) is responsible for producing the 'dub' sound
- A) only i) is correct
- B) i) and ii) are correct
- C) i) and iv) are correct
- D) only iii) is correct
4) Where is negative blood flow observed during the normal cardiac cycle?
- A) From tissue fluid to capillary
- B) From aorta to coronary circulation
- C) From ventricle to atrium
- D) Negative blood flow does not occur
5) Blood entering the aorta leaves from which chamber of the heart?
- A) Left atrium
- B) Right atrium
- C) Left ventricle
- D) Right ventricle
6) What is meant by the term arrhythmia?
- A) A cardiac rate caused by damage to the SA node
- B) The term used for normal heart rate
- C) A variation in heart rate from a steady state
- D) Stimulation of an extra heart beat
7) On an ECG, which of the following events occur during the QRS complex?
- i) Atrial repolarisation
- ii) Atrial depolarisation
- iii) Ventricle depolarisation
- iv) Ventricle repolarisation
- A) if iv) only is correct
- B) If i) and iv) only are correct
- C) If i) and iii) only are correct
- D) If ii) and iv) only are correct
8) Blood leaves the heart and enters the pulmonary circuit via:
- A) The superior vena cava
- B) The aorta
- C) The pulmonary trunk
- D) The interventricular left coronary artery
9) The atria contract during
- A) The second heart sound
- B) The QRS complex
- C) The P-Q segment
- D) The S-T segment
10) Tachycardia is
- A) Persistent, resting adult heart rate below 60bpm
- B) Persistent, resting adult heart rate above 100bpm
- C) Dilation of a blood vessel due to disease or injury
- D) Deficient blood supply to any part of the body
11) On an ECG the P wave occurs when
- A) The ventricle is rapidly filling
- B) At the end of ventricular diastasis
- C) Atrial diastole occurs
- D) Ventricles depolarise
12) In the cardiac cycle
- i) Pressure in the left ventricle must rise above that achieved in the right ventricle to cause opening of the aortic valve
- ii) The Q-T interval is the duration of ventricular systole
- iii) The P-R interval is less than 0.02 seconds
- iv) The period of rapid ejection occupies the first 70% of ventricular ejection time
- A) If i) and iv) only are correct
- B) If ii) and iii) only are correct
- C) If ii) and iv) only are correct
- D) If i) and ii) only are correct
13) Which of the following are correct regarding the cardiac cycle
- i) The AV valve os open during isovolumetric contraction of the ventricles
- ii) The 'dub' sound is partly produced by the aortic valve
- iii) The third heart sound is produced by the turbulent of blood rushing into the ventricle
- iv) There is no blood left in the ventricle after ventricular systole
- A) If i) and ii) only are correct
- B) If ii) and iii) only are correct
- C) If ii) and iv) only are correct
- D) If iii) and iv) only are correct
14) The T wave on the ECG corresponds to which of the following events
- A) Atrial depolarisation
- B) Atrial repolarisation
- C) Ventricular depolarisation
- D) Ventricular repolarisation
Answers: 1B, 2C, 3B, 4B, 5C, 6C, 7C, 8C, 9C, 10B, 11B, 12D, 13B, 14D.
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